Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Goldman support upsets old power-brokers: excerpts from RTD news story

Goldman has $100,000 for race

Goldman willingness to challenge the same ole, same old power-broker politics that has held Richmond back gains support, makes real change possible next year. But will more people join the effort?

Sunday, Sep 14, 2008 - 12:08 AM - Excerpts from front-page, B-1 story


Richmond mayoral candidate Paul Goldman will have cash to compete for votes in the closing weeks of the campaign.

Goldman, who has been running an aggressive, shoestring campaign, said yesterday that he has raised $100,000 -- a serious sum that three opponents reported having raised or nearly raised through June.

"It's like a card game," Goldman said yesterday. "This is enough to stay in the game, to get the next card."

Goldman said he expects the reports due tomorrow to show that Jones, Pantele and Grey have raised substantially more than he has. He said he expects to use the money to reach out to voters in the final weeks and believes it could also convince Richmonders that he is a viable choice.

"In the system we live in, the ideas are more important if you have a big bank account than if you have a small bank account," said Goldman, a lawyer and a former state Democratic Party chairman.

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